Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Liars Dice Modification

This week we where tasked with removing the Positive Feedback loop in a popular version of the game of Liar's Dice. Each of my team members had to come up with 1 changed, added or removed rule.

Pity mod:
If a player has only one die left, they can go down or up on their call, rather than just up. The exception being that if there are two players left this rule no longer takes effect. 

Examples: A player calls 4 sixes, the player with 1 die left can in addition to the normal rules can say 3 sixes or 4 fives.

  • This allowed weaker players to stay in the game longer.
  • This somewhat reduces positive feedback loop.

Holdem mod:
All lost dice get placed in the center of the table and are rolled.  These dice count towards the global total of dice.

  • It turns out doesn't affect game play that much.
  • The players who are better at counting dice do better.
  • This actually reinforces positive feedback loop, rather than negating it.

Loser wins mod:
  • Winner is person who first loses all their dice.
  • Calling a bluff correctly loses you a die.
  • Calling a bluff incorrectly makes the person the bluff was called on loses a die.
  • Calling a spot on correctly makes you lose a die.
  • Calling a spot on incorrectly makes you gain a die.
  • This rule makes it get considerably harder as you lose dice.
  • The positive feedback loop replaced with a negative feedback loop.

Handicap mod
Everyone who didn't lose a dice each round has to reveal one of their dice in the next round
unless you have 1 die left.

  • The more you win the more other players know about your hand.
  • This hinders the positive feedback loop but does not remove it completely.

Lucky guesser mod:
If you call a spot on, you reacquire one lost die, but you can still only have as many as you started with

  • This rule actually enforces positive feedback loop.

Blind mod:
Every player gets to see everyone's dices but their own.

  • The less dice you have the harder it is for everyone to play.
  • This reverses positive feedback loop.

A couple of pictures taking during the play testing yesterday.

Always good to have a person play who is not in your group, Thanks Justin.

"Required" dice rolling picture.

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